General and internal rules
About TMPT
The TMPT committee of the KVNRO and the Sports organisation of the Ministry of Defence annually organizes the Two-Day Military Performance Tour (in dutch: Tweedaagse Militaire Prestatie Tocht or abbreviated TMPT).
The TMPT is a team effort.
The purpose of the TMPT is to give participants the opportunity to show as a team their ability to cover fairly significant distances on foot and bicycle on two consecutive days and that they have sufficiently mastered a variety of military skills. It is not the intention that the courses on both days are completed in the shortest possible time. So the TMPT is definitely not a competition!
Reporting participants
Day before the first day of the TMPT, participants have to report between 15.00 and 20.00 hrs. at the secretariat of the TMPT in building 127 (Trefpunt) at Army Base Harskamp. Here participants will receive further necessary information.
Reporting date: Monday, May 26, 2025
Location: building 127 (Trefpunt - behind the restaurant), Legerplaats Harskamp, Otterloseweg 5, 6732 BR Harskamp. Telephone: +31 (0)6 45 89 48 32.
Report on tuesday and wednesday:
building 127
Time: see the list published in building 107.
On Monday evening there will be an opportunity to attend a general briefing and to ask questions. This briefing will take place in building 126 around 20:30 pm.
TMPT Secretariat
The secretariat will be located in building 107 from 26 May 15:00 until 28 May 20:00. Phone: +31 (0)6 45 89 48 32 (only available on the mentioned days).
Private vehicles of TMPT participants must be parked in the designated parking areas only. Illegal parking (i.e. along the roads) will be fined by the Military Police!
Bicycles must be parked within the designated area marked with red and white tape opposite the large parking lot on the lawn near the restaurant during both TMPT days. It is strictly forbidden to park bikes elsewhere than mentioned here, including in or against buildings (your bike will be removed).
After reporting, participants will receive their location for overnight stay. Due to several circumstances most sleeping barracks on the army camp Harskamp are occupied. Alternatively overnight staying will be in sports buildings etc., or you have to stay overnight in the barracks of army camp Stroe (ca. 20 km from Harskamp). Please take this into account.
Please provide your own:
- Sleeping bag and sleeping mattress/stretcher
- Padlock;
Under no circumstances should you change from your assigned overnight sleeping location; think e.g. of tracing participants in case of urgent presence at home!
On Wednesday your sleeping location must be empty and clean as soon as possible, but certainly before 19.00 hrs.
Participants who stay overnight until thursday, move - after consultation with the secretariat - before 19:00 hrs to a designated building. On Thursday there is no opportunity for breakfast.
Food and beverage
Meals are served in the restaurant building (building 127).
Lunch packs must be prepared by participants during breakfast, including fruit.
The TMPT organization can not guarantee water supply at some checkpoints. Bring your own canteen and/or camelbag to be filled before departure. A mobile salespoint for coffee, thea, snacks etc is stationed near the shooting range.
The basic costs for food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is paid at registration. Upon reporting on monday, participants will receive a waterproof wristband with team number. This must be worn during execution of the TMPT and gives acces to the restaurant.
Participants are free to provide their own food elsewhere and at their own expense. E.g. a “soldiers home” Echos Home (ECHOS Home 'Baan Zulu') just outside the Army Base Harskamp.
Further details regarding food and beverage will be given upon reporting on May 26.
Please do not litter trash, including during the execution of the TMPT!
Accidents/emergencies not in a barrack
Emergency: call 112
No emergency: 0800 88 44 (Police)
Accidents/emergencies in a barrack
call Central Reporting Room: (0889) 51 13 13
Military Police: (0800) 1814.
In all cases report to the TMPT secretariat as soon as possible, +31 (0)6 45 89 48 32.
In case a team has to give up, whatever reason, the TMPT secretariat must be informed.
Medical care
In case a doctor is needed, being outside a military camp, site or barrack, call the helpdesk of the local hospital “Gelderse Vallei” +31 (0)318 - 200860
Location and times for sports massage will be announced via the TMPT secretariat.
Dress code
Participants wear their standard battle dress.
Only the
·Obstacle course (A4)
·Survival course (A3)
·Speed march (A5)
·Orientation course (B6)
may be performed without a jacket. On the barracks grounds, and military camp/area the beret must beworn! All gear (e.g. backpacks, camel bags, footwear, etc.) must be exclusively military. Correct attirewill be monitored.
All TMPT participants must wear their military uniform correctly and in accordance with theinstructions. In case noticed that a participant deviates from the dresscode the TMPT committee canexclude him or her from further participation.
For your own safety, it is very important to wear your reflective sign strap!
Some examples of dutch soldiers.
TMPT cross and certification ceremony
The certification ceremony will take place on May 08 at 20.00 hrs in building 126.
Those eligible should appear in service dress.
See here some examples.
visit this page to see what requirements your bike needs to meet
There are very limited possibilies to rent a bike in the surrounding.
Start - and arrival times
Participants will start on both days between 06:30 am and 07:30 am unless otherwise noticed by the secretariat.
Each team will have a fixed starttime, linked to their start number. The departure time will be recorded on a chip. In case a team decides to start after 07.30 am, their starting time stays at 07:30 am.
Teams should record their own departure time, so they are able to calculate their own latest arrival time. Latest arrival, without waiting time correction and penalty correction, will thus be between 16:30 pm and 17:30 pm.
Short waiting times can take place and will not be compensated. Waiting time before starting the speedmarch and before the shooting test (the last item is 15 minutes) are considered as warming up. No correction will be made. It is up to the organisation to decide for a waitingtime compensation if necessary.
The TMPT has following checks and checkpoints:
- Unmanned checkpoint with a registration box. At this checkpoint the team must insert the key (with chip) into the control box;
- Unmanned checkpoint with a "punch". At this checkpoint the team has to make a punch in the marked area on the registration card;
- Manned checkpoint with registration box or “punch”. The supervisor inserts the key (with chip) or makes a punch in the marked area on the registration card;
- Check by answering questions;
- Check of the registerd shooting results.
At most assignments the team has to report at the control station. Here the assignment starts. It is the responsibility of the team to observe a correct registration. In case a key (with chip) is needed for executing the assignment, the team is responsible for returning the key (with chip) to the control station.
A control station can be identified by an orange flag with black letters "TMPT".
An unmanned checkpoint with registration box gives a visual and acoustic signal to confirm the registration. If the team does not observe either signal, this must be reported at the next control station!
Unmanned checkpoints with a "punch" can be encountered during the execution of an assignment and during the execution of a bonus run (= penalty run). Before starting the assignment where unmanned checkpoints can be encountered the team will receive at the control station a registration card with marked area to be placed into the “punch”.
The TMPT can impose following santions:
- Bonus run
- Time penalty
- Disqualification/exclusion
- Cash penalty
In the description of each assignment, requirements and sanction in case of failing are described.
Missing a checkpoint may result in the following sanctions and consequences:
- Disqualification in the event the team is not able to prove that it performed the assignment.
- Any waiting time incurred will not be deducted, even if the team can prove that it performed the assignment.
Missing a checkpoint at an assignment or bonus run will result in an additional time penalty as follows:
- Bicycle course (A1): 45 minutes
- Map reading by kayak (A2): 20 minutes
- Orientation course (B6): 15 minutes
- Map reading by bicycle (C7): 15 minutes
- March (D11): 45 minutes
- Bonus run: run again until that task is completed correctly.
More than two bonus runs counted during executing the TMPT will automatically result in disqualification.
In case of not following the safety instructions about the route to be taken, and to avoid the restricted area when kayaking, a time penalty of 15 minutes will be rewarded.
Using an irregular bike will lead to disqualification. Irregular tires will lead to a time penalty or disqualification.
By failing to return the shooting registration card at the control station of the shooting test (D12) will result in disqualification.
Using GPS or other electronic devices will result in disqualification.
Loss of a timeregistration key (with chip) will cost the team 40 Euro.
Team allocation and loops
Assignments are distributed over four loops. These are loop A, loop B, loop C and loop D.
Each day either loop A+B or loop C+D must be executed.
- Assignments A2, A3, A4, B6 are on the bicycle course
- Assignment C9 is on the map reading bicycle route
The team numbering determines with which loop to start and whether the route runs counterclockwise or clockwise.
Team starting numbers will be issued at registration.
The order in which the assignments are to be carried out the “ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE” must be followed. A paper copy will be issued at registration.
Loops with assignments and sancitions
Loop A + B |
sanction |
Loop C + D |
sanction |
A1: Bicyle course |
time penalty |
C7: Map reading bicycle |
time penalty |
A2: Map reading by kayak |
tome penalty |
C8: Hangranate trowing |
bonus run |
A3: Survival course |
bonus run |
C9: Distance estimation |
time penalty |
A4: Obstacle course |
bonus run |
C10: Speed march |
bonus run |
A5: Speed march |
bonus run |
D11: March |
time penalty |
B6: Orientation course |
time penalty |
D12: Shooting test |
bonus run |
Shooting test
A pistol Glock-17 (caliber 9 mm) or a Colt rifle (C7 with SRIM, caliber 5.56 mm) with ammunition will be provided for the shooting test. Shooting with your own weapon is not permitted.
Please note that the shooting is after physical exertion. With a short rest before shooting, better results are usually achieved. The time available for the shooting test is 25 minutes, including any waiting time.
Maps and map protractor
Maps are provided for execution of assignments:
- Bicycle course (A1)
- Kayak course (A2)
- Orientation course (B6)
- Map reading (C7)*
- March (D11)
A map can be a map with route drawn in advance or a map on which the team has to draw a route based on given coordinates.
During the bike course (A1), the orientation course (B6) and the march (D11), several tasks must be completed.
* Participants must bring their own mapprotractor with scale 1:50.000
Note: it is useful to bring a plastic folder (A4) to protect the map in case of bad weather conditions.
Obstacle course and survival course training
The obstacle course and survival course can be practiced as a team, only with admittance from the sports office at the Kootkazerne (Koot barracks) in Stroe.
The obstacle course and survival course can be vieuwd, click here and here. (svp link koppelen)
The TMPT organization may exclude participants from further participation due to:
- Non-compliance with the army regulations;
- Non-compliance with the TMPT regulations;
- Failing to follow up instructions from the organization;
- Non-compliance with the applicable dress code;
- Unsportsmanlike behaviour.
TMPT Cross
Teams successfully complete the TMPT will receive the silver cross. The cross, established by the Royal Association of Dutch Reserve Officers, is a silver-plated eight-armed lily cross with crown on a red blue striped ribbon. This award is officially approved, as set forth in Army Order 1952-112. Those who have previously passed the TMPT will receive, according to the number of times, a silver 2, 3, etc. On 10th successful completion, the arms of the cross have a blue enameled version and at 25th and subsequent successful participation a red enameled version.
If a complaint cannot be dealt with verbally immediately, a written objection may be submitted to the secretariat. This is possible not later than 2 hours after return. The complaints committee will - after hearing the team and after internal deliberation - give a binding decision.
Authority TMPT organization
In cases not covered by these regulations, the chairman of the TMPT committee shall decide.